Using Technological Solutions

Our Mission

Design. Build and Inspire.

Our mission is to create a safer future for students and teachers by leveraging the power of technology to prevent gun violence in schools. We believe in the strength of youth and the potential for technology to create positive change, and our goal is to set a new standard for addressing this critical issue. Through innovative design and advocacy, we strive to create a world where every student feels safe and secure in their learning environment. We are dedicated to finding solutions, raising awareness, and inspiring others to join us in this important mission.


Number of Mass shootings in 2020


Lives lost due to mass shootings in 2020


Increase from last decade

Our Work

Gun Disabled Zone

The "no-discharge zone" technology works by using a microchip to control the discharge of guns in specific locations. The microchip is embedded in the gun and operates in real-time, ensuring that the gun cannot be fired in designated "no-fire zones." This technology provides a layer of protection for students and teachers, creating a safer environment for learning and growth. The microchip technology is an innovative solution to the problem of gun violence in schools and has the potential to save lives and prevent mass shootings.

Location Tracking

The gun location tracking feature in our project uses a network to actively track the location of firearms and share that information to a secure server. This allows for real-time monitoring of firearms and provides important information to law enforcement or other authorities in the event of an emergency. The network-based tracking system provides an added layer of protection, allowing for a quicker response to incidents and a reduction in harm.

Remote Locking

Remote locking by authorized persons using a web interface is a technology solution that allows authorized individuals to remotely disable firearms using a web-based interface. This provides a convenient and secure way to control firearms, even from a remote location.

Using a web-based interface, authorized individuals can access the system and disable firearms in the event of emergency, or other situation. This allows for quick and easy control of firearms, reducing the risk of harm and providing an important tool in the fight against gun violence.


Our Team

Naren Pai

Team Member

Sajith Gogineni

Team Member

Saicharan K,

Team Member

Eoin Samuel,

Team Member


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